

Last Saturday (June 29th), I had the honor of performing a bamboo cutting demonstration at “The 5th General Martial Arts Exchange Demonstration Tournament, sponsored by Takeo Okabe”, which was held in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture.

 如何せん、昨年末に心臓病が再発し、心拍は常に90以上。階段を上がるだけで150以上。腕立てをしたら200超え。呼吸法や自律訓練法で調整できるものではありません。常に心臓が電気ショックを受けて、雷が落ち続けているようなもの😳 なので、和道会の形やら組手を演武したらエライことになっちゃいます🫢 4度目の手術はできないと言われていますし…基本、激しい動きやらエピネフリンが分泌されるようなことは Dr. STOPで…なんぞと言っていても仕様が無い‼️

Unfortunately, my heart disease relapsed at the end of last year, and my heart rate is always over 90. Just going up the stairs makes it over 150. Doing push-ups makes it over 200. It is not something that can be adjusted through breathing techniques or autogenic training. It's like my heart is constantly being shocked and struck by lightning😳 So, if I were to perform the kata or kumite of Wado-kai Karate, my heart would explode🫢 I was told that I can't have a fourth surgery... and basically, I was told by the doctor to stop strenuous movements and things that cause epinephrine to be secreted... but there's no point in saying that, I'll just do what I have to do‼️


So, what will I demonstrate “Enbu”?


So I decided to try "bamboo cutting," which is probably less stressful on the heart, even though it had been a long time since I last performed it at a tournament held by the Polish Traditional Karate Federation eight years ago.


As you know, bamboo has vertical stripes. It contains moisture. That's why it remains strong and will not break even when swayed by strong winds.



 一本目は「(本来は和紙に吊るすんですが、準備を忘れまして)トイレットペーパーに吊るした竹を 木剣 で斬る…ペーパーは破れず竹だけが斬り落とされる」

The 1’st one is "(It's supposed to be hung on washi paper, but I forgot to prepare it) I cut the bamboo hanging on the toilet paper with a wooden sword... the paper doesn't tear, only the bamboo is cut down."

 2本目は「手のひらに乗せた竹を 杖 で斬る…手のひらは衝撃を受けず竹だけが斬り落とされる」

The 2’nd technique involves "cutting a bamboo piece held in the palm of the hand with a stick...the palm of the hand does not receive any impact, and only the bamboo is cut down."

 3本目は「小指に乗せた竹を 竹 で斬る…小指は衝撃を受けず竹だけが斬り落とされる」

The 3’rd one is "cutting the bamboo placed on the pinky finger with the bamboo...the pinky finger does not receive the impact and only the bamboo is cut off."


And, the 4’th one was a chop “Syutou”…


These I demonstrated.


The most important element in "slashing and breaking" is the same for sword, fist, and hand sword: "Batsuryoku = relax: not relying on muscle strength, letting go of tension, controlling muscle strength” (It’s not “Datsuryoku = It’s loss of strength: letting go of muscle strength”), but unlike sword techniques such as kenjutsu or iaido, it is important to release the shoulder blades and the elbow.


The body is like bamboo, and is made to absorb shock. But it can be broken not by a blade… can be by bare hands, or even with an umbrella... yes, by the skull, neck, wrist, or collarbone...



全日本空手道連盟 和道會 千秋会 "四端塾" のHPにようこそ。 Welcome to Sensyu-kai "SHITAN-JUKU" (Japan Karate-do Federation WADO-KAI)'s HP. 仁義禮智 是 四端 也


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