JHPPS ニュースレター:武漢コロナウィルス対策

【 JHPPS ニュースレター '20.5月号/JHPPS Newsletter @ 5. '20 Monthly Issue 】


In the last newsletter, I introduced the recommended combination of vitamins and minerals as a countermeasure against Wuhan coronavirus recommended by The Japanese Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (https://isom-japan.org/top_after). However, I heard many voices saying, "I can't get the one that fits the capacity at a major drugstore in Japan", "I tried to combine it, but it was expensive." So I picked up the supplements that they are cheap + orderable online.


We will definitely get infected in the future. The only thing we can do now when we get infected is to boost our immunity so that we will not be defeated the virus and develop the disease. Countermeasures are diet, exercise and sleep. Please understand that is a link in the chain of the idea of ​​PROUSION or Orthomolecular.


全日本空手道連盟 和道會 千秋会 "四端塾" のHPにようこそ。 Welcome to Sensyu-kai "SHITAN-JUKU" (Japan Karate-do Federation WADO-KAI)'s HP. 仁義禮智 是 四端 也


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